やさしさと健康の新世紀を開く 医歯薬出版株式会社

Recommendation by Prof.Dr.Rudolf Slavicek
 Dr.Naito has always been a practice oriented “creating” dentist.I am trying to say that he has always been working in practice,he actually used his hands,eyes and brain and has not been in theory only.
 Self criticism should be an ability of every dentist.His practical work disciplined Dr.Naito to be self critical enough to realize any mistakes and to correct and eliminate them.
 Precise documentation is a sine qua non in dental work.For the purpose of reviewing everything for analyses Dr.Naito always photo-documented his cases very well.This documentation can be reviewed over and over to possibly detect details which otherwise could easily have been overlooked.
 Dr.Naito is an aesthete.He contemplates the form of the teeth and odontoid process with the covering mucosa as an entity and under aesthetic criteria.He loves beautiful and fast vintage cars,and in my personal(psychoanalytical) opinion it is derived from his affinity to aesthetics.
 Dr.Naito started teaching early.Everything had to be worked up didactically in order to pass it on to students and teachers in an easily understandable way.It is his strength to impart his knowledge step by step from a didactic perspective.In all his works Dr.Naito shows his passion for details,like in the remarkably precise documentations including atraumatic preparations,tissue retraction,and impression.And in all these details he recognizes the entire restorative dentistry.
 He is always ready for changes and looking for new findings.This is reflected in his teaching concept.His scientific work focuses especially on knowledge of materials.Keeping in mind gold as a basic material for restorations and only with mature reflections using materials matching in color the human teeth is directly connected to Dr.Naito's scientific work.
 This book written by my colleague Dr.Naito is an exceptional piece of writing.Meeting him at his lectures was true highlight in my professional life.The text and vivid presentation of his present work confirmed my positive impression of his skills.In a sublime manner,Dr.Naito's didactic concept focuses on two superordinate comprehensive terms,namely,aesthetics and functions.
 His didactic abilities,his scientific skills in detecting essential features,his lucid presentation of details and his overall design,express his mastery and command of his subject.
 I have profound respect for Dr.Naito and hold him in high esteem.I admire him for his clarity and thoroughness as well as for his humane and warm hearted humor.For the sake of our patients,I hope this work will be publicized far and wide.
 Prof.Dr.Rudolf Slavicek

 研究と臨床の温度差が少なくなり,再生医療やインプラントの応用が日常的になった.同時に,両者の時間差が減少し,概念の移り変わりが異常な速さをみせているのも事実である,現にエビデンスと呼ばれるものの23% が2 年以内に脱落するのが現状といわれる(Shojania KG et al., 2007 1).科学の一分野としての十分な検証と反証が果たせないままに,新たな段階に突入し,共通理念の獲得が難しいことも浮き彫りになった.我々臨床家は移り気であるのかもしれない.
 科学というキーワードによって互いの溝は少なくなるだろう.だが,ナソロジーの衰退とともに,共通言語としての咬合論は戸棚の奥にしまいこまれ,上部構造の長期の考察は求心力を失ってしまった.多くの人々は審美とインプラントという快適に見えるグリーン車に乗り込もうとしている.目的地の判らない急行列車「インプラント号」は途中停車もせずに,霧に包まれたゴールに向かって突進しているにちがいない.「何のために」や 「なぜか 」という問いかけは列車の勢いに吹き飛ばされているようだ.
 「 考える 」ことを技術論に先行させることが大切だと思う.そこで煩雑になったが, 許すかぎり源流をたどってみた.そのため,たとえば 「犬歯誘導」について肯定したり,否定したりする.初めから答えは出さずに,通読すると全体としての流れが判るようにした.面倒になればそこは読み飛ばして,次のページに進んでからもう一度戻っていただければと思う.24ページの咬合論だけの中間目次が参考になるだろう.
 くれなゐ塾主宰 内藤正裕
 Recommendation by Prof.Dr.Rudolf Slavicek

序 まず症例から
1章 「科学」の共有
2章 咬合概論
 (5)咬合の変数 Variables
 (8)微小循環から見た歯根膜(高橋 和人)
 (9)鑞着 Solderless joint
 (14)咬合調整 その1 咬合接触
 (15)咬合の分類 誘導 Induce
 (17)犬歯誘導 その1
 (19)犬歯誘導 その2 それほど大切なのか
 (20)咬合調整 その2 足す調整と削る調整
3章 修復各論
4章 審美修復
 (2)Dent-gingival complex 歯と歯肉の複合体
 (3)微小循環から覗いたシーリング機構(高橋 和人)
 (4)Dent-gingival complex 各論
 (5)再び辺縁骨頂について Osseous crest
 (6)Guided papilla growth(GPG)
5章 歯冠形成
6章 歯肉圧排
 (3)歯肉圧排 Type 1
 (4)歯肉圧排 Type 2
 (5)歯肉圧排 Type 3
 (6)歯肉圧排 Type 4
 (7)歯肉圧排 Type 5
7章 印象採得
 (1)印象前後の比較 1
 (2)印象前後の比較 2
8章 修復物の適合性
9章 歯冠外形
 (1)全体としての形態 General contour
 (2)エンブレジャー Embrasure
 (3)歯肉縁からの立ち上がり Emergence profile
 (4)Concavity & Convexity 凹面と凸面
 (5)凹凸移行部 Transitional area
 (6)溝状の陥凹 Fluting
10章 咬合の最終局面
 (3)微小破断 Abfraction
 (4)歯の破折 Tooth fracture
 (5)修復物の損耗 Restorative damage
