やさしさと健康の新世紀を開く 医歯薬出版株式会社

 顎関節症の病因としてTCH(Tooth Contacting Habit:上下歯列接触癖)の概念を公表してから,10年以上が経過した.TCHが病因であることを発見した当初は,それを是正する有効な手法を見出せず試行錯誤を続けたが,ある時,応用心理学の領域で行われている「習慣逆転法」と呼ばれる行動療法の存在を知った.これをTCHに応用するには3 年ほど工夫を要したものの,現在ではTCH是正訓練の手法は完成したと言えるだろう.
 2019 年6 月

 More than ten years have passed since we officially announced the concept of Tooth Contacting Habit(TCH) as an etiology of temporomandibular disorder(TMD). In those days when we found out that TCH might cause TMD,finding effective modalities to correct TCH was thoroughly challenging,however,we had kept practicing trial process.But on one occasion,I learned a behavioral therapy called “habit reversal method” which is utilized in the field of applied psychology.It took approximately three years to modify this method before applying it to TCH,and it can be said that the method of TCH correction training has been completely established.
 In addition,a therapeutic exercise named “rehabilitation training“ is performed to reduce the symptoms of TMD in parallel with TCH correction training as etiological treatment.This combination has effectively improved TMD which had been considered intractable.Moreover,the patients can check the presence of TCH by themselves and prevent the recurrence of TMD.Therefore,the sense of incurability that “TMD is a chronic disease which relapses repeatedly” has been almost eliminated.
 I have already published several textbooks concerning TCH correction training and rehabilitation training respectively.It is critical to proceed both training as two wheels of a bicycle in TMD treatment.The intent of this publication is to organize the treatment concept as“ Kino method” .Diagnosis of etiology and symptoms,as well as treatment tips are clearly explained to make this TMD treatment guide book literally practical.
 As one of our new attempts,English explanation is basically written throghout the text.TCH correction training is a highly effective and non-invasive treatment,unfortunately,it is still unfamiliar overseas.Nevertheless,tremendous interest in mastering TCH correction training has been expressed by many visitors and foreign students from various parts of the world who are impressed by these excellent treatment options originated in Japan.In many regions,including Asian countries,many of the dental literatures are written in English.Appended English in this book will help foreign dentists understand our treatment concept,and clinically practice it in their home countries.
 At the same time,the increase of tourists from overseas could give Japanese dentists opportunities to examine foreign patients with TMD.This book should be utilized as a chairside guide in such situations.Appendices of questionnaire forms are also provided with English versions,which are expected to help take care of foreign patients smoothly.
 I'm hoping that utilization of this book by many dentists would globally innovate TMD treatment modalities to relieve all TMD patients of their symptoms.
 Koji Kino
Chapter 1 木野メソッドの治療コンセプト
 Treatment concept of Kino method Koji Kino
  An approach to both aspects of TMD: symptoms and causes
  Reasons for high therapeutic effectiveness of Kino method
Chapter 2 顎関節症患者に対する精神医学的医療面接
 Psychiatric medical interview for TMD patients Hiroyuki Wake
  Basic principles of the medical interview
  Psychiatric medical interview based on characteristics of TMD
  Judgment of consultation on psychiatry
Chapter 3 顎関節症の病態診断
 Diagnosis of TMD based on pathological conditions Hiroyuki Yoshitake
  Diagnosis of TMD
  Consultation and examination of TMD
  Classification of TMD by The Japanese Society for Temporomandibular Joint
  Classification of TMD by Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Chapter 4 顎関節症の病態治療
 Symptomatic treatment of TMD Hiroyuki Yoshitake
  Features and effects of rehabilitation training
  Types of rehabilitation training and their indications
Chapter 5 顎関節症の病因診断
 Etiological diagnosis of TMD Fumiaki Sato
  Interpretations of pathogenesis of TMD-Single etiology and multifactorial etiology-
  Which contributing factors should be targeted for treatment of TMD?
  Tooth contacting habit
  TCH as a contributing factor of TMD
  How does TCH become established?
  Examination and diagnosis of TCH
Chapter 6 顎関節症の病因治療
 Etiological treatment of TMD Fumiaki Sato
  Concept of etiological treatment of TMD
  Important points of TCH correction training
  Correction training of TCH by habit reversal method
  Evaluation of TCH correction
Chapter 7 治療終了時の患者指導と再発時の対応
 Patient guidance at the end of TMD treatment and management of recurrence Koji Kino
  Criteria for terminating TMD treatment
  Essential information for patients to prevent recurrence
  Timing for initiation of prosthodontics,implant therapy and orthodontics
  How to manage relapsed TMD
Chapter 8 木野メソッドによる治療例
 Cases treated with Kino method Koji Kino
 Case 1 左咀嚼筋痛障害
  Left myalgia of the masticatory muscle
 Case 2 右顎関節円板障害・右咀嚼筋痛障害
  Right TMJ disc derangement,right myalgia of the masticatory muscle
 Case 3 かくれ顎関節症に咬合違和感を併発
  Hidden-TMD accompanied by occlusal dysesthesia
Appendix 顎関節症初診時質問票,精神医学的面接質問票,生活・行動要因調査票
 Questionnaire for New TMD Patient,Psychiatric Questionnaire,Questionnaire on Living/Behavioral Factors