最新歯科衛生士教本 歯科英語

(2007年3月25日 第1版第1刷 発行)

歯科衛生学シリーズ 歯科英語

(2023年1月20日 第1版第1刷 発行)



問題 解答
1 Making an Appointment by Telephone
1.Why is Ms. Hernandez calling the clinic? b
2.Who did Ms. Hernandez receive a recall card from? b
3.Why does Ms. Hernandez want to come later than the time Ms. Nakanishi first suggested? c
4.What time is Ms. Hernandez coming to the clinic on Friday? c
2 Request for Medicine
1.What is Mr. DiRisio doing in Japan? c
2.Why did Mr. DiRisio call the clinic? c
3.What did Ms. Goto say the dentist must first do to the patient? a
3 Emergency Appointments
1.Why is the dentist not able to talk with Mr. Moore on the phone? c
2.When did Mr. Moore's tooth start to throb? b
3.What does Mr. Moore want to know before seeing the doctor? b
4.What is Dr. Suzuki most likely to do first when he sees Mr. Moore? a
4 National Health Insurance
1.What does Ms. Suharno want to know about her insurance card? a
2.What is Ms. Takeda telling Ms. Suharno about the doctor? b
3.What does the National Health Insurance cover? b
4.What is a composite resin filling made of? b
5 Asking the Patient to Describe Symptoms
1.What is the role of the dental hygienist in this context? b
2.How did Ms. Marsden's condition change the day before she came to the clinic? a
3.When does Ms. Marsden feel discomfort in her teeth? a
6 Asking the Medical History
1.Why does Ms. Abe ask Mr. Mehta's medical history before the treatment? c
2.What kind of medicines does Mr. Mehta take? b
3.What is Mr. Mehta allergic to? c
4.Who does Ms. Abe tell Mr. Mehta to ask if he wants to know about antibiotics? c
5.How many wisdom teeth does Mr. Mehta have now? a
7 Periodontal Disease
1.What did the doctor ask Ms. Fujita to do? b
2.According to Ms. Fujita, what would happen to Mr. Garcia if he didn't treat his gum disease? b
3.Why did Ms. Fujita make a drawing? c
4.How big is the root of a tooth? b
1.What is a scaler? b
2.How does a scaler help? a
3.What does Ms. Fujita say will happen if the patient doesn't treat his gum disease? b
8 Pregnancy
1.What did Ms. Jansen ask Ms. Otani first? b
2.According to Ms. Otani, why are Ms. Jansen's gums swelling? c
3.When would the doctor take an X-ray even if the patient was pregnant? a
9 Why Do I Need a Cleaning?
1.What should a dental hygienist explain in patient education? a
2.What does a cleaning do? c
3.How often should Mr. Beresford floss his teeth? a
4.Where does plaque collect? c
10 Informed Consent
1.How many cavities did Dr. Matsui find in Mr. Cho's teeth? c
2.What will Dr. Matsui do first in Mr. Cho's root canal treatment? c
3.How did Ms. Tatsuki explain about the root canal treatment to Mr. Cho? b
4.What will happen to Mr. Cho's tooth after the treatment? b
1.How long will it take until the permanent crown is ready? b
2.What kind of a filling will the doctor use for Mr. Cho's other cavity? c
3.How much does it cost for the root canal treatment? b
4.Who is Mr. Cho going to explain about his treatment to? c
11 Sealants
1.What are Ms. Kojima and Ms. Miller talking about? b
2.What is the main purpose of having sealants? a
3.In the end, how does Ms. Miller feel about Bobby's having sealants? a
1.What did Ms. Kojima do to Bobby? b
2.How did Bobby react to Ms. Kojima's instructions? a
3.What will Dr. Suzuki do after cleaning Bobby's teeth? b
4.What does the light do ? c
12 Fluoride Treatment
1.For how long will Ms. Nonaka put a soft plastic tray in Ms. Woods's son's mouth? a
2.What do fluoride ions do to a child's teeth? c
3.Why does Ms. Woods's son need fluoride treatment both at home and at the clinic? a
13 Tooth Brushing Instructions for a Child
1.How was Janie feeling before Ms. Taniguchi gave her brushing instructions? c
2.Which part of the teeth does Ms. Taniguchi tell Janie to brush first? a
3.What is the next step after brushing the inside of the teeth? c
4.Who is going to floss Janie's teeth? b
14 Tooth Brushing Instructions for an Adult
1.How fast does plaque collect on the teeth? b
2.What did Ms. Matsuda tell Ms. Cohen to do first in the brushing instructions? a
3.Why should the patient use toothbrushes with soft bristles? b
4.Why should the patient brush her tongue as well? b
15 Postoperative Instructions to the Patient
1.How long will Mr. Khan have to wait until the anesthetic goes away? b
2.When can Mr. Khan use the tooth which was treated today? a
3.Why should Mr. Khan not eat anything for the moment that requires chewing? b
1.What kind of drinks should Mr. Kahn avoid until the numbness wears off? b
2.What did Ms. Matsubara say to Mr. Kahn about taking Tylenol? a
3.What advice does Ms. Matsubara NOT give to Mr. Kahn? c
16 After Treatment
1.How many Voltaren tablets can Ms. Wright take at a time? a
2.When is Ms. Wright's next appointment? b
3.How does Ms. Wright want to pay for today's treatment? b
17 Visit to an American Dental Clinic
1.How did Ms. Boyd ask Junko to call her? b
2.How many people in total work in this office? c
3.Why did Ms. Boyd call the Japanese dentistry "decathlon dentistry"? b
1.How many dental hygienists are working in this clinic? c
2.What type of health insurance do most people have in America? b
3.What is the main role of an assistant at an American dental clinic? a